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Universal Motion Controller, High Performance, 2-axis, Ethernet
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Universal Motion Controller, High Performance, 4-axis, Ethernet
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Universal Motion Controller, High Performance, 6-axis, Ethernet
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Universal Motion Controller, High Performance, 8-axis, Ethernet
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  • Type
    Universal Controller
  • Command Set
    Object oriented language, 100+ functions, TCL generated scripts, EPICS Compatible
  • Compensation
    Linear error, backlash, error mapping
  • Computer Interfaces
    Two Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-T (RJ45) with Fixed and Dynamic IP with DHCP & DNS for local and network communication.
  • Control Algorithm
    PI Position, PIDFF Velocity, PIDFF Acceleration, PIDDualFF Voltage, Variable PID's, Derivative Cut-off Filter, Notch Filters, or Open Loop
  • ESP Compatibility
    ESP Stage Detection
  • Motion
    Multi-Axis PCO. Synchronized pt to pt, Spindle, Gantry, Linear/circular interpolation, Splines, PVT, Analog tracking, Master-slave
  • Motor Control
    DC, Servo, Linear, Brushless, piezoelectric stacks, others via pass through card


Inputs and Outputs for Integrating External Devices

The XPS has a 40 digital input and 40 digital output to read external switches, control valves or other digital devices and 8 analog Inputs and 8 analog outputs to precisely monitor any motion axis (such as position, velocity or acceleration). To synchronize external devices during a motion process, the XPS has dedicated "event and action" API's which users can use to trigger an action upon the occurrence of an event. Typical examples include sending a digital output when constant velocity is reached or initiating a TCL script when the motion is done. Once defined, the XPS autonomously monitors the status of the event to trigger the action with a latency of less than 100 µs! This powerful feature does not require any complex programming by the user and does not consume any time of the host PC or communication link since processing is done at the controller level. The XPS can be used as a master controller for a complete application.

Sockets, Multitasking and Multi-User Applications in One Controller

Based on the TCP/IP Internet communication protocol, the XPS controller can utilize up to 80 virtual communication ports, known as sockets. Users can split their application into segments that run independently on different threads or even on different computers. Another practical advantage for many laboratory users is that sockets allow them to concurrently share the same controller for different applications. For example, it is possible for one group to use one axis of the XPS controller for an optical delay line while another group simultaneously uses the other axes for a totally different application. Both applications can run independently without any delays or cross-talk.

In the example below, a thread on socket 1 commands an XY stage to move to certain positions to take pictures while another thread on socket 2, independent of socket 1, concurrently manages an auto-focusing system.

Native Tool Command Language (TCL)

TCL scripts can be quickly generated then executed directly from the XPS GUI Terminal for rapid development for motion programs. TCL stands for Tool Command Language and is an open-source string-based command language. TCL is field-proven, very well documented and has many tutorials, applications, tools and books publicly available at

High speed up to 4-Axis PCO

XPS-D works in real time for up to 4 axes with one PCO connector. It generates pulses by comparing actual encoder feedback position with a set of predefined value within <35ns. The fast compensated PCO takes in account various mapping and compensations to fire trigger pulses at the desired positions within 5ns accuracy and frequency up to 1.6 MHz. 

ESP Plug-and-Play Compatibility

When an ESP-compatible stage is connected to the XPS, the stage is quickly recognized and operating parameters are configured without the need for user inputs. This Plug and Play feature is not only transparent to the user, but it also ensures the safe operation of the stage.

Universal Driver Card Module

The XPS-DRV11 is a universal digital driver card compatible with the XPS-D and XPS-RLD controllers. It has been optimized to perform with most of Newport's DC, stepper and linear motor positioners. It is not included in the controller and needs to be purchased separately. The Stage and Controller Compatibility table lists the stages that the XPS-DRV11 can drive.

Optimum Position Grouping

The XPS incorporates pre-configured motion groups and user-definable motion groups to optimize the performance and simplify the use of advanced features like line-arc trajectories, splines, contouring, and complex PVT trajectories. These motion groups can be single axis positioners, spindles, gantry groups, XY groups, XYZ groups or multiple axis groups. The flexibility of grouping stages greatly improves process flow and error handling and provides a uniform structure for easy application development.

Line-arc trajectory example

Compensation for Maximum Accuracy

An extensive set of compensation features are available to the user including backlash, linear error and error mapping in single, 2D, or 3D. All compensations are corrected dynamically at each servo cycle, updated at the rate of 20 kHz. This broad selection of options transforms the most basic positioner into a high performance device; thus increasing the accuracy and performance of any motion application culminating in more reliable results.

Example error before (left) and after (right) compensation

Real-time Processing and Multitasking

Based on QNX real-time operating system and multi-tasking functionality, the XPS is capable of executing complex, internally stored, user-generated applications using TCL scripts. The motion processor supports TCL program execution without adversely impacting higher-priority tasks. With this advanced real-time multi-tasking functionality, the XPS not only manages the most complex motion requirements but also serve as a powerful, standalone process controller to concurrently support multiple applications.

Line-Arc, Spline and PVT Trajectories Motion Paths

The Line-arc trajectory is a motion path defined by a combination of straight and curved segments (available only for positioners in XY groups) such that constant speed is maintained throughout the entire region of interest. Sequential execution of the lines-arc trajectories eliminates discontinuities. A dedicated function performs a precheck of the trajectory to ensure optimized and safe execution within the positioners' parameters. The spline trajectory executes a Catmull-Rom spline on an XYZ group, passing through user-specified points with 3rd order polynomial segments at a constant speed. Similar to Line-arc trajectory, spline trajectory has functions for trajectory prechecking. The PVT-mode is the most flexible mode for creating complex trajectories. In PVT, a trajectory element is defined by the end position (P) and end speed (V) of each positioner plus the duration for the element (T). The controller then calculates the cubic function trajectory that will pass through all defined positions at the defined times and velocities. PVT is a powerful tool for any kind of trajectory with varying speeds and for trajectories with nonlinear motion devices.

Catmull-Rom spline


XPS-GCODE software enables your XPS to become a powerful, high-precision laser machining center that can read and convert G-codes, display the tool path and execute trajectory routines with the power and precision of Newport Motion Control.

XPS-GCODE interface showing a 3D model generated from a G-CODE.

Command Motion With an External Analog Device

The XPS features four channels of 14-Bit analog-to-digital converters which can be integrated with a motion process using a TCL script. The analog inputs can be converted to directly control the position or speed of a motion axis via external analog inputs. This is critical in precision alignment or auto-focusing routines which require real-time feedback from other devices such as power meters, vision systems, or other sensors. Besides higher communication speed, the A-to-D conversion is internal to the XPS, therefore no processing burden is added to the host PC or the communication link. Consequently, this feature can improve process development and throughput.

Variable PIDs

The XPS features variable PID’s that automatically adjust their values proportional to the distance from final position. This unique feature can tighten the gain loop when in position or close to final position while loosening the gain during motion to improve stability. Using variable PID’s also allows dedicated tuning of the servo behavior for short and long stroke motion resulting in improved motion sensitivity.

1nm MIM

When the XPS-D uses an XPS-DRV11 universal driver card to control an XM Series ultra-precision linear motor stage, 1-nm minimum incremental motion is achievable without filtering in a properly controlled environment and under appropriate load and speed conditions. For more information, please contact Newport to discuss your application.

Photonic Device Search Algorithms

Functions dedicated to automated alignment of optical fibers or silicon photonics are implemented in the XPS controller.

In addition to hardware solutions, MKS has also developed algorithms that will make it easier to optimize and speed up fiber alignment. In our XPS-D Motion Controller, 7 alignment algorithms in the form of Application Programming Interface (API) are available in the firmware. When programming the fiber alignment system, any of these API functions can be used via a simple command to execute a motion pattern. For more details, check out our Optical Fiber Alignment White Paper.

Photonic Device Search Algorithm (PDSA) API

Beam Profile: Gaussian or Single Peak


Beam Profile: Plateau or Multiple Peaks

Find First Light

Find Peak Power

Find Peak Power along Beam Axis (Z)

Stop when Threshold Reached

Max Number of Axes

 Axis by Axis X X 6


X X 6

Escalade (Continuous)

X X 3
Escalade (Square X X X 3
Raster X X X X 2

Spiral (Continuous)



Spiral (Square)



Note that the PDSA is currently only usable with the first configured MultipleAxesGroup.

Refer to Section 15.0 in the XPS Controller Features Manual for more information on the different APIs.

Refer to optical fiber alignment page for an application example and comparison of the different algorithms (advantages and disadvantages).

Stage and Actuator Compatibility

The XPS Universal High-Performance Motion Controller and Driver is compatible with the motorized stages and actuators from the product series listed below. For more details – including required driver cards and cables – please see the Stage and Controller Compatibility technical note or the motorized stage's or actuator's series page.

Motorized Linear Stages

Motorized Rotation Stages

Motorized Vertical Linear Stages

Motorized Actuators