Technical Articles

Technical Articles

Measuring the Efficiency of Diffraction Gratings

While simple in principle, measuring the efficiency of diffraction gratings is a complex process requiring precise methods to achieve acceptable results. Every optical, mechanical, …

Technical Articles

Diffraction Gratings - The Crucial Dispersive Component

A grating disperses light incident on it. Dispersion is the phenomenon by which a spectrum of light is separated in space by wavelength. Prisms also disperse light by wavelength and …

Technical Articles

Keeping Optical Tables Steady - Photonics Spectra

Experimental results from a scanning laser doppler vibrometer eludicate the effects of active vibration damping.

Technical Articles

Automated Alignment Keeps Z Machine on Target - Laser Focus World

Computer-controlled motorized mirror mounts enable rapid realignment of beam-steering optics between discharges at Sandia National Labs’ Z machine.

Technical Articles

Automated Tests Improve Laser Diode Manufacturing - Laser Focus World

Tougher laser diode requirements for WDM systems have led to a new generation of automated production test equipment.

Technical Articles

Calibrating Photovoltaic Cells - Photonics Test Briefs

The basic function of a photovoltaic cell is to convert input sunlight energy expressed in irradiance into output usable electric energy.

Technical Articles

CMOS Cameras Allow Robust Active Stabilization of Laser Beams - Laser Focus World

Accurate measurement of the position of a laser beam can be achieved in several ways, each with its strengths and weaknesses. A comparison of these has resulted in an active beam-stabilization …

Technical Articles

Demand for High-Speed Detectors Drives Research - Laser Focus World

Resonant-cavity enhanced detectors improve detection and wavelength selectivity, high-power traveling-wave detectors increase dynamic range of analog fiber links.

Technical Articles

How to Determine Your Equipment Needs

Vibration site surveys can tell you a lot about how to specify equipment for vibration isolation in your laboratory.

Technical Articles

Photo-emf Detector Enables Laser Ultrasonic Receiver - Optoelectronics World

Laser ultrasonic receiver with photoelectromotive force detector can measure dynamic displacement of rough surfaces moving at process speeds.

Technical Articles

Factors to Consider when Choosing an Alignment System - WDM Solutions

Savvy engineers know that the most economical system balances price with performance. Motion control plus thermal and mechanical stability can't be cut.

Technical Articles

Fast Steering Mirrors Improve Active Beam Stabilization - Optoelectronics World

Beam-stabilization modules based on fast steering mirrors correct errors in laser beam alignment and loosen specifications on other components while increasing system robustness.

Technical Articles

Innovative Photoreceivers Simplify Measurements - Laser Focus World

Applications for photodiodes combined with novel circuitry range from studies of meteor deposited metals In the upper atmosphere to calcium Ions In biological cells.

Technical Articles

Is Vibration Control Really Necessary for Microscopy? - BioPhotonics

Identifying and quantifying the potential noise sources in your lab are the first steps toward understanding what vibration control solutions may be required to achieve acceptable …

Technical Articles

Large Gimbal Mounts for Focal Plane Testing - Motion Control Tech Briefs

A motorized gimbal mount has been developed to scan and position large, heavy optics with high angular resolution

Technical Articles

Laser Diode Controllers: Tighter Control, More Integration and Higher Current - Photonics Spectra

The demand for high-precision laser diode components has skyrocketed with the rapid growth of optical networks using dense wavelength division multiplexing technology that requires …

Technical Articles

Laser-diode Power-supply Basics: Performance Depends on Specification - Laser Focus World

Bench-top laser-diode drivers and controllers have a wide variety of features, from voltage and temperature control to safety features and surge protection. Know the most important …

Technical Articles

Lasers May Brighten the Solar Cell Market - Photonics Spectra

The solar industry looks set for explosive growth as it takes advantage of innovations enabled by lasers and new manufacturing technologies.

Technical Articles

Meeting Measurement Challenges For Low-Power, Pulsed, or Modulated Light Sources - Photonics Online

It is particularly challenging to measure a low-average-power pulsed light source, such as an LED or a low-power laser diode, especially when the electrical designers do not know the …

Technical Articles

Motion Control Systems Gain Flexibility - Laser Focus World

Complete motion-control systems are now available that are readily programmable for multiple applications of positioning equipment.

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