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Microscope Isolation Platform, Leica DML Series
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Microscope Isolation Platform, Leica DM RB or RM
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Microscope Isolation Platform, Leica DM 5000B with SPE Confocal, 75-95 lb.
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Microscope Isolation Platform, Leica DMI 6000, 60-80 lb. Payload
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Microscope Isolation Platform, Leica DMI 6000, 80-120 lb. Payload
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Microscope Isolation Platform, Leica AM6000, 80-120 lb. Payload
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Microscope Isolation Platform, Leica DM LM Material Control Scope
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Microscope Isolation Platform, Leica LMD6000 Scope & Dissection System, 65-75 lb.
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Microscope Isolation Platform, Leica LMD6500 or LMD7000, 70-120 lb.
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Microscope Isolation Platform, Leica DMi8, 49-95 lbs.
2 Weeks
2 Weeks



Platform Designed to Match Leica Footprint

Newport's Leica microscope vibration isolation platforms are specifically designed to match the footprint of Leica microscope models minimizing the workspace required. They are designed to be very low profile raising the microscope by only 1 to 1.5 inches. Competing products typically require a supply of compressed air or nitrogen and come only in a few standard rectangular platform sizes. This will typically raise the working height of the microscope at least 3 in. creating ergonomic problems for the user. Because our products are made to fit your specific Leica microscope, you don't have to worry about the added height or bulk that standard isolation platforms would require.

Superior Mechanical Design

VIBe™ technology works in horizontal direction by utilizing ball bearings sandwiched between precision raceways, forming the plane of isolation. The balls that displace between the raceways due to micro-vibrations are restored to the neutral position by gravity, which acts as a non-linear spring. Since the spring force (i.e., the restoring force) is non-linear, it is constant and independent of the frequency and amplitude of the input vibrations, meaning the balls’ oscillating motion has no “natural” frequency. Instead, the motion has an infinite number of frequencies, one for each increment of displacement, which makes the resonance between the two halves of the plane of isolation physically impossible. As a result, the isolator filters out a broad band of input vibration frequencies and ensures a constant level of vibration transmission reduction.
Vertical vibration isolation is addressed by the Newport's proprietary, nonlinear spring mechanism with near zero tangential stiffness for vibrations. The natural frequency of the spring remains relatively low and constant across a large range of spring compression, effectively isolating the vertical vibrations.

Improve Microscope Performance

Depending on your environmental conditions, building vibrations and disturbances from surrounding lab equipment can impact a microscope’s performance. Using a vibration criteria curve, researchers can determine if the measured or anticipated vibration levels will allow imaging to the desired resolution. Higher resolutions require more control over vibration. An effective vibration isolation and control system needs to offer high-performance vibration resistance while maintaining a compact, low profile to decrease space requirements and increase usability. Our microscope isolators feature a 6.8 Hz vertical resonance frequency that begins isolating at 9 Hz and a horizontal resonance of 6.3 Hz with isolation beginning at 8 Hz. This is sufficient performance to eliminate more than 85% of vibration noise seen within typical laboratories.

VIBe™ Mechanical Vibration Isolation Technology

The patented mechanical isolation technology features six degree of freedom isolator design to work within a defined range of weight under which the isolators deflect or compress. The amount of deflection is a function of the payload on each isolator. Vertical and horizontal vibration is effectively attenuated and your precision application is isolated from the vibration. It is a great alternative solution for applications that are not suitable for pneumatic isolation.

Proper Loading

Each of the VIBe™ isolators in the platform needs to be properly loaded in order to achieve maximized vibration isolation performance. A special gap tool is shipped with the platform to verify the proper loading of the isolators. This gap tool measures 0.56 inch wide by 0.1 inch thick and it is used to determine that the gap in the isolator is more than 0.1 inch but less than 0.56 inch. If the gap is larger than 0.56 inch, the bearing does not have enough weight on it. Conversely, if the gap is smaller than 0.1 inch, it is overloaded.