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Bare Fiber


  • Type
    Tunable Bandpass Filter
  • Fiber Type
  • Fiber Connector
    Cleaved end, FC/APC, or FC/UPC
  • Operating Wavelength
    1535 to 1565 nm
  • Maximum Insertion Loss
    2.5 dB (TBF-1550-2.0 series, excluding loss at connectors))
  • Typical Insertion Loss
    1.5 dB (excluding loss at connectors)
  • Bandwidth
    0.6 nm @ 0.5 dB, 1.0 nm @ 3 dB
  • Maximum Optical Power
    500 mW
  • Operating Temperature
    -5 to 70 °C
  • Maximum Back Reflection
    -50 dB
  • Polarization Dependent Loss, Maximum
    0.05 dB, typical @ 1565 nm; 0.3 dB @ 1535 nm
  • Storage Temperature
    -40 to 85 °C


Sub Nanometer Tuning

The TBF-1550-2.0 series tunable bandpass filter has a flat top shaped, 0.6 nm wide narrow band @ 0.5 dB from the peak. The 3dB bandwidth is 1.0 nm. With the steep 40 dB/nm transition and 60 dB off-band suppression, it improves signal to noise ratio of the channel signal in a multi-channel system, reduces the ASE noises from an EDFA, and selects desired wavelength from a broadband source. 

Broad C-band Tunability from 1535 nm to 1565 nm

A thin film coated interference filter is located between two angled fiber optic collimators. This tunable bandpass filter is used to select the wavelength of interest, across the 1535 to 1565 nm, the C-band, wavelength range with 0.05 nm tuning resolution, by adjusting the tilt angle of the filter using a high-precision micrometer. Once the wavelength is tuned, one can fix it by locking the micrometer.

Low Insertion and Polarization Dependent Loss

Typical insertion loss is just 1.5 dB with these bandpass filters. The maximum insertion loss is 2.5 dB. Typical polarization dependent loss is 0.10 dB. The maximum loss is 0.28 dB @ 1535 nm. These losses are excluding the losses at the connectors.

50 % Smaller Size in Volume

The new TBF-1550-2.0 series, compared with the TBF-1550-1.0, is 21 mm shorter, 9 mm narrower, and 8 mm thinner. With approximately 50 % reduced volume, this new device takes up much smaller space.