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Air Mass Filter, AM 0, LCS-100 Simulators Only
6 Weeks
6 Weeks
Air Mass Filter, AM 1.5 Global, LCS-100 Simulators Only
In Stock
In Stock
Air Mass Filter, AM 1.5 Direct, LCS-100 Simulators Only
6 Weeks
6 Weeks
Air Mass Filter, AM 0 Outer Space, Glass Only
Air Mass Filter, AM 1.5 Global, Glass Only
In Stock
In Stock
Air Mass Filter, AM 1.5 Direct, Glass Only
5 Weeks
5 Weeks
Air Mass Filter, AM 0
Air Mass Filter, AM 1.5 Global
5 Weeks
5 Weeks
Air Mass Filter, AM 1.5 Direct
Air Mass Filter, AM 1.5 Global, 150 W Simulators Only


Air Mass Filters

Our lamp-based Solar Simulators produce an unfiltered Xenon spectrum. To approximate solar conditions for a variety of solar simulation applications we offer a complete line of Air Mass (AM) Filters. These filters modify the spectral output of the arc lamp to match specific natural solar conditions. An Air Mass filter is chosen by the type of solar spectrum that needs to be simulated. Our filters can be easily replaced in the solar simulator to enable quick, reliable customization of the output spectrum.

Diagram of solar air masses.

Air Mass Filter Mounting

The Air Mass Filters fit into the solar simulator's integral filter holder (shown in the image to the left). A convenient "pull handle" in the frame allows for quick, easy insertion and removal of the filter - without risk of breaking.  These proprietary filters are designed to operate exclusively with our Newport Oriel solar simulator products.  When requesting a quote for 81311, 81388, 81389, or 81088A, please have your solar simulator model number and serial number ready for ordering.

Light path of an Oriel® Solar Simulator, showing location of air mass filter.

Air Mass Filters for LCS-100 Series Simulators

Three air mass filters are specifically designed for our LCS-100 series solar simulators. There is an AM 0 filter to simulate solar radiation outside the earth’s atmosphere, an AM 1.5 Direct to simulate solar radiation that only is transmitted through the earth’s atmosphere at a specific angle, and an AM 1.5 Global to simulate all radiation, direct and scattered, at the same angle. The latter is used to certify the solar simulator to Class ABB standards. Please note that these proprietary filters are only compatible with the LCS-100 models.  When requesting a quote for 81011-LCS, 81088A-LCS, or 81389-LCS, please have your solar simulator model number and serial number ready for ordering.

Air Mass Filters Without Holders

Three air mass filter types are offered as bare glass only. These 2 inch x 2 inch filters can be mounted into the solar simulator’s filter holder and installed in the system, or they can be mounted in an external filter holder and used in an open-air configuration.

PhotoVoltaic Calibration Lab

We are proud to house and manage one of the few commercial photovoltaic and calibration test laboratories in the world. The Photovoltaic Calibration and Test Laboratory is accredited by A2LA to the ISO/IEC 17025 Standard, using state of the art equipment for measurements in accordance with ASTM E948 and E1021. The lab welcomes requests for prototype PV device performance measurements or PV reference cell calibrations. Flexible scheduling and rapid turnaround time ensure minimal downtime to time sensitive devices.

Characterizing I-V Curves of PhotoVoltaic Cells

We offer test solutions to measure current-voltage (IV) characteristics of PV cells. Models are available in 1, 3, 5, or 10 amps configurations, determined by the current generated by the device under test. Solutions include the source meter, cabling, and IV Test Station software to capture data quickly and easily. Additional mounting, probing, and temperature control accessories are available. Oriel IV test solutions are designed to work with any Oriel solar simulator.