Technical Notes

Technical Notes

Thermopile Sensor Physics

Thermopile sensors are based on thermocouples. A thermocouple consists of two dissimilar metals connected in series. To detect radiation, one metal junction is typically blackened to …

Technical Notes

Pyroelectric Sensor Physics

A pyroelectric crystalline material has electric polarization even in the absence of an applied voltage. On heating, the material expands and produces a change in the polarization which …

Technical Notes

Photodiode Sensor Physics

A photodiode sensor consists of a semiconductor p-n junction. Light falling on the junction causes the formation of electron-hole pairs. In photovoltaic mode, the electron-hole pairs …

Technical Notes

LED Characterization

Measurement techniques of the power, flux (equivalent to power but measured in units of lumens), and spectrum of LEDs is not very different from that of traditional light sources.

Technical Notes

Laser Beam Spatial Profiles

The irradiance distribution of a laser beam is determined by the transverse modes that exit the laser cavity. Typically, the lowest-order transverse mode (TEM00) is selected for emission …

Technical Notes

Incoherent Light Source Physics

The incoherent light sources discussed here share several characteristics that distinguish them from lasers. Incoherent light gives rise to radiation, which is emitted from the source …

Technical Notes

Radiometric Measurement

Radiometry is the measurement of energy or power in electromagnetic radiation fields or light. The average output power is the most common radiometric measurement since many light sources, …

Technical Notes

Photoreceiver Characteristics

The characteristics of such high-speed photoreceivers as well as their associated applications are the subjects of this technical note.

Technical Notes

Types of Photoreceivers

The main types of photoreceivers are those that can detect optical signals with fast temporal responses or those containing high frequency components.

Technical Notes

Laser Beam Profile Measurement

Given the different types of laser beam spatial distributions and their evolution as they propagate in free space and through optical elements, measurement of the beam profile is critical …

Technical Notes

Laser Pulse Characterization

Accurate temporal characterization of pulsed sources is as critical as accurately estimating the pulse energy and spatial and spectral profiles.

Technical Notes

Diffraction Grating Physics

A diffraction grating is essentially a multi-slit surface. It provides angular dispersion, i.e., the ability to separate wavelengths based on the angle that they emerge from the gr …

Technical Notes

Optical Transceiver Physics

OE converters typically employ photodiodes to absorb incoming photons and convert them into electrical current. Photodiodes are devices in which p-type, n-type, and intrinsic semiconductors …

Application Notes

IR Absorption Spectroscopy

IR spectroscopy can be used for both qualitative and quantitative non-destructive analysis of gases, liquids, pastes, powders, films, and surfaces. The absorption spectrum of a molecule …

Selection Guides

Optical Receiver Selection Guide

As the interface from a photonics experiment to electronic instruments, photodetection is critical to extracting and preserving experimental results. Newport's optical receivers and …

Selection Guides

Optical Sensor Finder

Our sensor finder allows you to easily find the sensor that best suits your application.

Technical Notes

Reliable Spectroradiometry

Reliable spectroradiometry takes a lifetime of work and attention to master. Unreliable spectroradiometry is much easier to accomplish1 all it takes is missing a single critical point, …

Selection Guides

Motorized Linear Stage Finder

Find a linear motorized stage that meets you travel, speed, MIM, load capacity or other requirements.

Technical Notes

Understanding Total Measurement Uncertainty

It is important that users of calibrated power meters and detectors understand and take into consideration the total uncer- tainty or error that exists in their measurements. Often, …

Selection Guides

Ophir Laser Beam Profilers

As the trusted leader in laser beam profiling, Ophir provides a complete range of solutions for beam characterization for any wavelength, at any power and for any beam diameter. The …

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