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Zero-Order Waveplate, Half-Wave, Polymer, 12.7 mm Diameter, 532 nm
Zero-Order Waveplate, Half-Wave, Polymer, 12.7 mm Diameter, 780 nm
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Zero-Order Waveplate, Half-Wave, Polymer, 12.7 mm Diameter, 830 nm
Zero-Order Waveplate, Half-Wave, Polymer, 12.7 mm Diameter, 1064 nm
Zero-Order Waveplate, Half-Wave, Polymer, 12.7 mm Diameter, 1300 nm
Zero-Order Waveplate, Half-Wave, Polymer, 25.4 mm Diameter, 532 nm
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In Stock
Zero-Order Waveplate, Half-Wave, Polymer, 25.4 mm Diameter, 632.8 nm
Zero-Order Waveplate, Half-Wave, Polymer, 25.4 mm Diameter, 1064 nm
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In Stock
Zero-Order Waveplate, Half-Wave, Polymer, 25.4 mm Diameter, 1550 nm
Zero-Order Waveplate, Half-Wave, Polymer, 50.8 mm Diameter, 532 nm
Zero-Order Waveplate, Half-Wave, Polymer, 50.8 mm Diameter, 1064 nm
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In Stock


  • Retardation
  • Retardation Accuracy
  • Material
    Grade A N-BK7
  • Housing
    Black anodized aluminum
  • Acceptance Angle
  • Transmitted Beam Deviation
    ≤1 arc min
  • Wavefront Distortion
    ≤λ/5 at 632.8 nm over the full aperture
  • Damage Threshold
    500 W/cm2 CW
  • Pulse Damage Threshold
    0.5 J/cm2 with 10 nsec pulses, @ 1064 nm
    0.3 J/cm2 with 10 nsec pulses @ 532 nm
  • Reflectivity per Surface
  • Antireflection Coating
    Broadband, multilayer coating
  • Surface Quality
    40-20 scratch-dig
  • Diameter Tolerance
    ±0.13 mm
  • Operating Temperature Range
    -20 to 50°C
  • Cleaning


Polymer Zero-Order Waveplate Construction

Our true zero-order wave plates consist of a birefringent polymer film cemented between two high-precision N-BK7 optical windows, each with a high efficiency, broadband antireflection coating. This construction ensures excellent transmitted wavefront quality, while minimizing beam deviation and surface reflection losses. The assembly is mounted in a black anodized aluminum housing for protection and ease of mounting, with the wave plate fast axis marked for alignment reference.

Rotate the Plane of a Plane-Polarized Wave

A half-wave plate can rotate the plane of polarization from a polarized laser to any other desired plane. Suppose a plane-polarized wave is normally incident on a wave plate, and the plane of polarization is at an angle θ with respect to the fast axis. To see what happens, resolve the incident field into components polarized along the fast and slow axes, as shown. After passing through the plate, pick a point in the wave where the fast component passes through a maximum. Since the slow component is retarded by one half-wave, it will also be a maximum, but 180° out of phase, or pointing along the negative slow axis. If we follow the wave further, we see that the slow component remains exactly 180° out of phase with the original slow component, relative to the fast component. This describes a plane-polarized wave, but making an angle θ on the opposite side of the fast axis. Our original plane wave has been rotated through an angle 2θ.

Retardation is Insensitive to Wavelength

The polymer material has very low birefringence that is nearly constant with wavelength. The retardance δ at a new wavelength λ that is different from the center wavelength λc is given by: δ = δc(λc/λ) where δc is the retardance at λc. The primary benefit is a moderate insensitivity to wavelength change, making them ideal for laser diode or tunable laser applications.

Retardation is Insensitive to Incidence Angle

Polymer wave plates feature better angular acceptance than quartz wave plates. Polymer wave plates have excellent angular field of view. Retardation changes by less than 1% over a ±12° incidence angle.

Motorized Rotation Mounts

8410 MT-multi-axis MC-SR50-S 8401
Models 8410 (CONEX-) AG-PR100 (V6) SR50PP
8401 (-M)
Retaining Thread 1.040-32 1.063-20 1.563-20
Compatible Optic Diameters* 25.4 mm 25.4 mm
12.7 mm

*The adapter in parentheses is required for the optic size before it.

Manual Rotation Mounts

POLAR-ROT-MOUNT-FEAT OM-rm25_pol_rot_mnt-S RM25B-OpticsCage-Plus OC1-INTF tip-tilt-family NW_RS4065_POST
Models UPA-RM1A RM25A RM25B OC1-PR M1-1PR
(M-) RS65
Retaining Thread 1.063-20
Compatible Optic Diameter* 25.4 mm
12.7 mm (PRA-05)
Special Features 1 in. Mirror Mounts Compatibility OpticsCage+™ Compatibility Tip&Tilt Adjustments Fine Adjustments
Models (M-) MT-RS 9401 (-M) (M-) LH-1PR (M-) 481-A
(M-) 481-A-S
Retaining Thread 0.546-32 1.040-32 1.035-40 1.063-20 2.063-20
Compatible Optic Diameter* 12.7 mm 25.4 mm 25.4 mm
12.7 mm (PRA-05)
50.8 mm
25.4 mm
12.7 mm (PRA-05)
50.8 mm (LH2-2R)
38.1 mm (LH2-1.5R)
25.4 mm (LH1-1R)
12.7 mm (LH1-0.5R)
6.35 mm (LH1-0.25R)
Special Features Compact Stackable A-Line™ Compatibility Fine Adjustments Quick Exchange