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Ozone Eater™, 110/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz
1 Week
1 Week


Filters Toxic Ozone From UV-Emitting Lamp Housings

Lamps with wavelength output below 242 nm produce ozone. The higher the UV output, the greater the rate of ozone production. With fan-cooled housings, ozone is exhausted through the lamp housing fan. With convection-cooled housings (such as the popular Series Q), the ozone leaks out of the housing. In low concentrations, ozone irritates the eyes and mucous membranes. However, irritation and inflammation of the respiratory system can occur as well. The Ozone Eater™ connects to all Oriel Research Lamp Housings up to 1000 W in lamp power. The air exhausted through the lamp housing fan is collected and passed through activated carbon filters that trap the ozone from entering the end user's environment.

Replacement Filters

The activated carbon material of the filters inside the Ozone Eater absorb the toxic ozone. As a result, these filters can become saturated and must be periodically replaced. The lifetime of the filter is dependent upon the ozone concentration in the airstream; at 4 ppm the elements will last ~4000 hours.

Filter lifetime depends on ozone concentration. At 4 ppm, the elements will last ~4000 hours.

Ideal for Laboratories That do not Have Access to Ventilation Ports

Ideally, ozone producing lamps are operated outdoors or near a ventilation port. Unfortunately, these options are not always available. If an ozone free producing lamp must be used for its UV light emission, the Ozone Eater is necessary for helping to maintain a safe operating environment.

Complies with OHSA Limit for Ozone concentration Over 8 Hours

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) restricts the maximum concentration of ozone exposure allowed for an individual over an 8 hour period to 0.1 ppm. The 66087 Ozone Eater is compliant with this regulation.