

Fiber Optic Basics

Optical fibers are circular dielectric wave-guides that can transport optical energy and information. They have a central core surrounded by a concentric cladding with slightly lower …


Introduction to Polarizers

The interaction of light with the atoms or molecules of a material is wavelength dependent. A consequence of this dependence is the resonant interactions related to material dispersion. …


Introduction to Waveplates

The interaction of light with the atoms or molecules of a material is wavelength dependent. A consequence of this dependence is the resonant interactions related to material dispersion. …


Photonic Crystal Fiber Basics

Photonic crystal fibers are generally divided into two main categories: Index Guiding Fibers that have a solid core, and Photonic Bandgap Fibers that have periodic microstructured elements …


Polarization in Fiber Optics

A beam of light can be thought of as being composed of two orthogonal electrical vector field components that vary in amplitude and frequency. Polarized light occurs when these two …


Fiber Optic Communication Basics

The theoretical bandwidth of optical fiber transmission in the 1550 nm window alone is on the order of terabits. Current fiber optic systems have not even begun to utilize the enormous …


Insights Into Swept-Wavelength Characterization of Passive Fiber-Optic Components

Building a swept-wavelength system requires a tunable laser source, the device under test, power sensors, and a data-acquisition system. The swept-wavelength method for high-resolution …