Polished Aspheric Lens, Plano-Convex, L-BAL35, 25 mm, 37.5 mm EFL, Uncoated

  • Lens Shape
    Plano-Convex Aspheric
  • Diameter
    25.0 mm
  • Antireflection Coating
  • Lens Material
    L-BAL 35 (589/611)
  • Surface Quality
    60-40 scratch-dig
  • Surface Accuracy
    0.75 µm RMS
  • Effective Focal Length (EFL)
    37.5 mm  
  • Back Focal Length (BFL)
    33.72 mm  
  • Center Thickness (Tc)
    6.00 mm  
  • F/#
  • Radius of Curvature (R)
    22.09 mm  
  • Design Wavelength
    587.6 nm
  • Shape S2
  • Diameter Tolerance
    +0.0/-0.1 mm
  • Center Thickness Tolerance
    ±0.1 mm
  • Clear Aperture
    90% of central diameter
  • Substrate Centering of Ruled Area
    3-5 arc min