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Ultrafast Pump Mirror, High Reflecting, 12.7 mm, Flat, 710-890 nm
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Ultrafast Pump Mirror, High Reflecting, 25.4 mm, Flat, 710-890 nm
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High Reflectance for NIR Applications

The High Reflecting Pump Mirrors for Ultrashort Pulses have over 99% reflectance from 710-890 nm for both s- and p-polarization. This enables maximum efficiency for peak power sensitive ultrafast laser applications. Mirrors are optimized for 0-15° AOI.

AR Coating for Argon and Frequency Doubled Nd:YAG lasers

The back surface of the pump mirrors has an AR coating optimized for transmission from 488-532 nm. This enables 488 and 514 nm argon laser, or 532nm frequency double Nd:YAG pump beams to transmit effectively.

High Optical Quality Substrates

Our ultrafast laser pump mirrors feature BK-7 substrates. The mirrors have surface flatness better than λ/10, and surface quality of 15-5 scratch-dig.

Transient Absorption Spectrometer Applications

In Transient Absorption Spectroscopy, a specimen is illuminated with a broad supercontinuum source (typically routed using ultrafast reflective optics to minimize overall chirp). The sample is intermittently excited using an pump beam. Dynamics of a material can be studied by analyzing transmitted frequency using a spectrometer.

Slight Wedge to Suppress Interference Effects

Our ultrafast mirrors may be used as dichroic mirrors in pump probe laser applications. The mirrors have a 30 arc minute wedge angle to suppress interference fringes for the transmitted beam. Note that performance outside of the specified wavelength range cannot be guaranteed.

N-BK7 Substrates

N-BK7 is a relatively hard Borosilicate glass that offers good scratch resistance with a very low level of inclusions. For more information, refer to the optical material technical note.