Technical Articles

Technical Articles

Specialized Systems Characterize Laser Diodes - Laser Focus World

Device sensitivity to temperature, current, and voltage must be accounted for when designing laser diode test systems.

Technical Articles

Better Test Systems Boost Laser Diode Performance - Photonics Spectra

As laser diodes continue their drive to the head of the class, instrumentation that provides test and measurement support is not far behind.

Technical Articles

Automated Tests Improve Laser Diode Manufacturing - Laser Focus World

Tougher laser diode requirements for WDM systems have led to a new generation of automated production test equipment.

Technical Articles

Laser Diode Controllers: Tighter Control, More Integration and Higher Current - Photonics Spectra

The demand for high-precision laser diode components has skyrocketed with the rapid growth of optical networks using dense wavelength division multiplexing technology that requires …

Technical Articles

Laser-diode Power-supply Basics: Performance Depends on Specification - Laser Focus World

Bench-top laser-diode drivers and controllers have a wide variety of features, from voltage and temperature control to safety features and surge protection. Know the most important …