Environmental Preparation

For applications requiring special environmental preparation, you can depend on Newport's extensive product lines and vast application experience. Over the years, we have mastered the small but critical details necessary to operate in these special environments:

  • Cleanroom
  • Extreme high or low temperature environments
  • Vacuum (10-3 torr)
  • High Vacuum (10-6 torr)
  • Ultra High Vacuum (10-9 torr)
  • Non magnetic and High energy
  • EUV

We have delivered countless solutions to research, semiconductor, military and aerospace customers looking for the best combination of ultra high precision motion and environmental preparation.

Vacuum compatible to 10-6 torr or higher, up to 30 mm travel, 50 kg load capacity, 50 nm resolution
CMS-ILE (Target Positioner)_1
Vacuum compatible to 10-6 torr or higher, target positioning sub-assembly
CMS-AWE - SG600 Grating Mount_11
Vacuum compatible to 10-6 torr, SG600 Grating Mount

Preparation for these types of challenging environments requires a deep understanding of material science, as each level of specification will drive its own set of allowable materials. Typically our standard products are modified with special material considerations on followings; grease or lubricants, cable insulators, motors, electronics like limits or origin switches, hardware (material and purge holes), surface finishes (no anodization) and materials (porous). These are manufactured in the special manufacturing processes and facilities specifically developed to ensure the highest level of control for product performance.

At Newport we believe in providing you with the most options possible to resolve your special environment motion product needs. Our team of engineers and scientists has introduced standard products that are both vacuum and clean room compatible. These products are available in stock or within a short lead time. For any special environments need, we will work together with you to customize the right motion solution.

Contact us or call 877-835-9620 to discuss your applications requirement.