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Step Down Adaptor 3 & 1.5 Inch Set Screw
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Step Down Adaptor 2 & 1.5 Inch Set Screw
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Quick Connect Converter 1.5 Inch Set Screw and Quick Connect
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Double Female Adaptor 1.5 Inch Quick Connect
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Double Male Adaptor 1.5 Inch Set Screw or Quick Connect
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5 Weeks
Double Female Adaptor 1.5 Inch Set Screw
5 Weeks
Male C-Flange to 1.5 inch series female 1.5 Inch Set Screw
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Lens Tube Flange Adaptor 1.5 Inch Set Screw
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Lens Tube Flange Adaptor 1.5 Inch Set Screw
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Set Screw Type Coupling Rings

The 77829 Set Screw Type Coupling Ring has two 1.5 inch female flanges, useful for coupling two 1.5 inch male flanged components. The two male flanged components are held in place by 6-32 cone point type set screws and can be loosened and tightened with a 1/16 inch hex wrench.

Quick Connect Type Coupling Rings

Quick Connect Coupling Type Rings provide both a convenience and performance advantage over Set Screw Type Coupling Rings. A thumbscrew locks the coupling ring in place, eliminating the need for set screws and Allen wrenches. This is ideal for setups that are frequently disassembled and reassembled. Quick Connect Type Coupling Rings are also light tight. Two different models are available:

  • 77791 : 1.5 inch flange, double female
  • 77792 : 1.5 inch flange, double male

Flange Step Down Adapters

Flange Step Down Adapters are useful for allowing Oriel 2 and 3 inch series condensing lenses to be used with 1.5 and 2 inch diameter accessories. Be aware that there will be a loss in output power from a collimated beam due to the reduction in clear aperture. If the output beam is focused, this step down in flange size can be done without any output power loss. The beam can then be recollimated with additional optics. Two types of Flange Step Down Adapters are offered:

  • 66292 : 2 inch male and 1.5 inch female flanges, reduces clear aperture from 1.9 to 1.3 inches
  • 66290 : 3 inch male and 1.5 inch female flanges, reduces clear aperture from 2.7 to 1.3 inches

Oriel to Newport Lens Tube Adapters

These adapters allow Oriel 1.5 inch series flanged components to coupled to Newport's line of Lens Tube products, opening nearly limitless possibilities when designing a system. Be aware that when reducing flange size from a 1.5 inch flange to a 1 inch lens tube flange, there is output power loss from a collimated beam due to the reduction in clear aperture. Focused beams do not experience this output power loss. Two different Lens Tube Adapters are offered:

  • LT10-UADPT : 1.5 inch female flange and female 1 inch Lens Tube flanges
  • LT20-UADPT : 1.5 inch female flange and female 2 inch Lens Tube flanges

C Mount Adapters

C Mount Adapters are useful for coupling a 1.5 inch flanged component to a C mount threaded component. Two different C-Mount Adapters are offered:

  • 78816 : 1.5 inch female and male C mount flanges
  • 78818 : 1.5 inch female and to female C mount flanges

Quick Connect Adapter

The 77790 Quick Connect Adapter converts a 1.5 inch diameter set screw type female flange into a quick connect type female flange. This is useful for a female flanged component that requires frequent coupling changes. Be aware that the clear aperture is reduced to 1.2 inches (30 mm) when this adapter is used.