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Spectroscopy Software, TracQ Basic, Version 6.9


Controls Oriel monochromators, spectrographs, various detection systems

TracQ Basic integrates Oriel monochromators and spectrographs with various detection instruments. Software prompts guide users through the measurement process. Instruments are controlled and scan parameters are set up through simple, intuitive dialog boxes. The front panel of the software allows users to monitor the instrument status, present wavelength, signal reading and the selected wavelength units. The Oriel TracQ Basic software is an instrument control package that includes data acquisition and processing. TracQ Basic allows users to acquire spectroscopic measurement data quickly and easily, without requiring any programming knowledge. TracQ Basic is true radiometry software, which enables users to acquire basic signal vs. wavelength measurements or use the built-in algorithms for spectroscopic measurements. Data acquisition and processing occur in real time. TracQ Basic includes many features, such as:

  • Monochromator grating selection
  • Automatic bandpass selection
  • Motorized filter selection
  • Wavelength unit selection
  • Wavelength offset
  • Output port selection
  • Monochromator shutter control
  • QE detector and preamplifier gain setups
  • Detector spectral responsivity file integration
  • Background subtraction

Performs a variety of radiometry measurements

TracQ Basic works with compatible detection systems and Oriel monochromators/spectrographs via their USB, RS232 or IEEE-488 (GPIB) interfaces to automate the data acquisition process. The software commands switch gratings, filters and output ports at specified wavelengths or adjust motorized slit widths at each port, for instruments equipped with these features. Various detection instrument parameters, such as filtering, measurement mode, auto range, time constant and more are also controlled by TracQ Basic. The following is a list of measurements performed by TracQ Basic and some typical applications:

  • Signal vs. Wavelength
  • Background subtraction
  • Reference data for spectroscopic measurements
  • Voltage, current or power measurements (detector dependent)
  • Time Interval Data Logging
  • Light source stability
  • Signal modulation readings
  • External Quantum Efficiency (EQE)
  • Sensor characterization
  • Solar cell research and development
  • Lamp Radiometry
  • Create secondary standard from calibrated lamp
  • Optical Power
  • Amplified detector voltage converted to power
  • Requires spectral responsivity data for detector
  • Absorbance
  • Measurements in dB to quantify optical loss in fibers
  • Transmittance
  • Optical material characterization
  • Concentration of solutions